After watching the CNN Student News, read this article from Kid's Health, respond to the following questions:
What are two steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting the flu?
What are some signs that you may have the flu, not just a cough?
When should you stay home from school?
Monday, December 10, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sticky Situation
Tina and Mark are assigned to work together on a report for class. But
Tina ends up doing most of the work while Mark mostly goofs off. Their
teacher gives the report a good grade and praises them in front of the
class. Tina is upset because Mark is getting equal credit even though
he barely did any work. If this happens to you this year, what can you
do about it?
Scholastic News
Scholastic News
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sticking Together
This morning, you reflected on things that would make a marriage great, fun, or long-lasting. The things that will make a marriage strong are the same things that will make a strong friendship.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to make a marriage or friendship last? How can they keep their relationship strong?
Too Young to Vote?
On November 6th, millions of Americans ages 18 and older cast their votes for president (and so did our class, unofficially). The National Youth Rights Association wants to give even more people the right to vote by lowering the voting age to 16. Supporters of the idea say people would be more likely to vote if they started at a younger age. They argue that anyone who's old enough to drive and work should be allowed to vote too. They also point out that some other nations, like Brazil, let 16-year-olds vote. Opponents say that people under 18 aren't ready to vote. They argue that 16-year-olds are too young to understand the issues or make informed decisions about politics.
What do YOU think?
Monday, October 29, 2012
What Matters Most? UPDATE
Updated 11.6.12
We've heard which issues kids around the country feel are important. You voted, and here's what you said:
2. Healthcare
3. Jobes/Economy
4. Environment
5. Taxes
6. Energy
7. (tie) Same-Sex Marriage AND War in Afghanistan
9. Immigration
10. Iran
We've heard which issues kids around the country feel are important. You voted, and here's what you said:
The Issues That Matter
Ranked by importance to 26 survey participants in our class.
1. Education2. Healthcare
3. Jobes/Economy
4. Environment
5. Taxes
6. Energy
7. (tie) Same-Sex Marriage AND War in Afghanistan
9. Immigration
10. Iran
Friday, June 15, 2012
Movin' on Up
Now that you are practically a 7th grader, think about some goals you have for next year.
1. What are your goals?
2. What kinds of challenges will you face next year?
3. What are you most looking forward to?
4. Do you have any fears or worries?
1. What are your goals?
2. What kinds of challenges will you face next year?
3. What are you most looking forward to?
4. Do you have any fears or worries?
5. What is one memory you will always keep from sixth grade?
Friday, June 1, 2012
Staying Drug Free
Why do you think it is important to stay drug free?
Who is a teenager or adult that you know who is drug free? What kinds of things do they do to keep life exciting or fun? What is the slogan/motto that you came up with to stay drug free?
Friday, May 25, 2012
Travel Agency Reflections
It has been a busy month for our class as we have researched the countries of South America and reported out in brochures, advertisements, PowerPoints, and more! I hope that as guests came through our room, that you realized how much your hard work pays off.
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1) What was the most interesting thing you learned about your country? (Be sure your country name is included somewhere in your answer.
2) If you could travel to your country, what would you most want to do there?
3) What did you learn in the process of creating your travel agency? In other words, what skills do you think you have learned or things have you learned about yourself as a student as a result of this project?
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1) What was the most interesting thing you learned about your country? (Be sure your country name is included somewhere in your answer.
2) If you could travel to your country, what would you most want to do there?
3) What did you learn in the process of creating your travel agency? In other words, what skills do you think you have learned or things have you learned about yourself as a student as a result of this project?
Friday, May 18, 2012
Free Sports Physicals
If you are planning to do sports in middle school, you must have a physical. Valley Medical Center is offering free sports physicals this summer on July 21st. Put it on the calendar!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Travel Agency
Don't be late!
Your Travel Agency is a big part of your social studies grade. If you lose track of the due dates, download this document.
Culture Grams
If you're trying to get on Culture Grams from home, you'll need the password in this document.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Science Fair
Just a few days until our annual science fair! Don't forget to look at the requirements and scoring rubric in this document before you submit your project on Wednesday!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Scholarly Advice for Life

What advice would you give to someone who keeps making the same mistake over and over again? Our class took a minute to think about it and here are some of our thoughts.
"If someone kept making a mistake over and over again, I would give them the advice to try harder and remember that you keep making that mistake and to remind themselves that if they keep making that mistake they will get a consequence." ~ Aydan
"I would say, find a mnemonic device to help remember not to make the same mistake." ~ Jillian
"To keep trying and someday you will get it. And, if not try a different way. If that does not work... just give up." ~ Melanie
"The advice I would give is don't give up just keep trying. Also, try slowing down a bit and go through it step by step. Ask for help from someone if you're confused. But do not give up." ~ Jasmine

"My advice to the person who makes the same mistake over and over again is that they should really try their best to stop. If they keep on making the same mistake, you get into more trouble and that won't help you at all." ~ Meron
"I would tell the person that they need to get it together and to make the right decision." ~ Cody
"To stop doing it or else." ~ Abdinajib
Do you agree with any of the responses? Disagree? Have something to add on? Share your thoughts below.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
March Madness
It's that time again - March Madness! Is it possible to pick the perfect bracket? Read this article to see how it would take some crazy luck to do so.
Check out Miss Freitas' sample bracket here. And, if you're hoping to make a bracket of your own, click here. Be sure to complete and print your bracket before the games begin on Thursday.
Check out Miss Freitas' sample bracket here. And, if you're hoping to make a bracket of your own, click here. Be sure to complete and print your bracket before the games begin on Thursday.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Using Text Features
Use the Scholastic News to answer the following questions:
1. On what page can you find out about a moon mystery?
2. What is the title of the sidebar on page two?
3. What do donkeys and elephants have to do with the Presidential Election?
4. On what page can you find the definition for the word *majority?*? Record the page number AND the definition.
5. On page six, there is a map of what?
*~ Scholastic News 02/06/2012 edition*
1. On what page can you find out about a moon mystery?
2. What is the title of the sidebar on page two?
3. What do donkeys and elephants have to do with the Presidential Election?
4. On what page can you find the definition for the word *majority?*? Record the page number AND the definition.
5. On page six, there is a map of what?
*~ Scholastic News 02/06/2012 edition*
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2 in the United States and Canada. While the exact origins of Groundhog Day are not known, the tradition is believed to have started in Pennsylvania in the late 1800s as an annual custom of settlers of German descent. Similar folk beliefs in which an animal — such as a badger or a sacred bear — predicts the weather can be traced to other parts of Europe and are presumed to be rooted in the early Christian holiday of Candlemas.
Click here to read the news article about Punxsutawney Phil's prediction this year. You can also watch a video here to find out whether or not Phil saw his shadow this year.
Book Bingo
Just in case you lose your Book Bingo, print a new one by downloading this file.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Learning About Cancer
You may have questions about cancer. Here's where you can find more information. You can also write a comment if you have questions to which you cannot find answers.
What is chemotherapy (chemo)?
What is radiation?
Sometimes kids with cancer can't come to school. Why not?
What is chemotherapy (chemo)?
What is radiation?
Sometimes kids with cancer can't come to school. Why not?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Saggy Pants
Should saggy pants be banned?
Florida and Arkansas both passed laws that ban students from wearing pants that sag too far below the waist. Supporters of these laws say the style is indecent and can be a distraction in schools. Opponents say students should be allowed to decide how they dress.
What do YOU think?
Friday, January 6, 2012
South American Countries and Capitals
Plug in your headphones and check out this video. We will be spending a significant amount of time in the coming months learning about South America. This song will help you to learn most of the countries and capitals on the continent.
2011: Year in Review
As you think back on 2011, what news event stands out most in your mind? Why do you think that event stands out more than others?
Is there anything from 2011 that you wish or hope will happen again?
Is there anything from 2011 that you wish or hope will happen again?
Please remember to check your spelling and punctuation before submitting your comment.
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