Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2 in the United States and Canada. While the exact origins of Groundhog Day are not known, the tradition is believed to have started in Pennsylvania in the late 1800s as an annual custom of settlers of German descent. Similar folk beliefs in which an animal — such as a badger or a sacred bear — predicts the weather can be traced to other parts of Europe and are presumed to be rooted in the early Christian holiday of Candlemas.

Click here to read the news article about Punxsutawney Phil's prediction this year.  You can also watch a video here to find out whether or not Phil saw his shadow this year. 


  1. I think Groundhog Day is cool.It is sort of like a heads or tail sort of thing only with nature, of course. I just love how big it is some places. I didn't know it was that big to people.hope Sring will be nice and sunny!

  2. So if you get a groudndhog thay know what storm wat the weather is gonna be like???? I DONT GET THE POINT OF GROUNDHOG DAY!!!!!!

  3. i think thats its a weird holiday to get excited about. i think you should just stck to the the winter theorie.

  4. To bad there is 6 more weeks of winter. Now it will take longer to get to spring.

  5. That was a really long video but kinda informational I think it is hot enough for spring and i thinkg it will be spring but he said more winter so I really don't know.

  6. Too bad we're going to have 6 more weeks of winter. Man, I was looking forward to the spring!

  7. I think that Groundhog Day is fun, but not realistic

  8. That was a long video but it was cool and intresting the grounhog was cute. I also think 6 more weeks of winter isnt true because its to hot for it to snow.

  9. I don't think that groundhog day is very important. It is important that we know if there spring comming up or not but we can't be very sure if it is accurate or not. Although people should know that if there is going to be anymore winter, I don't think people should depend so much on it like they do now.

  10. I think that Groundhog day is a exciting and fun day.Every year I look forward to Groundhog day.


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