Every family has special traditions and many of them happen this time of year. For some, it may be enjoying a special movie snow falls or serving meals at a shelter. For others, it could be a trip to the mountains or giving and receiving gifts for Christmas or Hanukkah.
Think about a few of your family traditions, especially those that happen this time of year. Describe the tradition and what you enjoy most about it.
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A sort of tradition we have is we open our presents on Christmas Eve. We also get together with all of our cousins and have a family dinner and sometimes we play winter/Christmas games.
ReplyDeleteFor the up coming holidays my family and I go to church and do the bisnuse. Arter church me and my family relax and have a nice traditional party when we get don with that we unrap uor presents and ejoy.Thats what we do.
ReplyDeleteMy family and I go to Bellevue mall, we buy presents and go to snowflake lane it's VERY fun there.Another tradition in our family is getting gifts for everyone and only revealing who its from on Christmas Eve.Those are some of the traditions my family has.
ReplyDeleteWell my family tradition for the time of the year we wake up early. We make breakfast and while it is cooking we play christmas music and.Open the gifts and throw away the wrapping from the christmas presents. Once we are done opening the gifts we play with our stuff. Sometimes we have friends come over.
ReplyDeleteIn my family we go down stairs at 7:00 a.m to see what we got for Christmas and we put cookies under the tree for Santa.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do for winter is I go make an igloo in the mountians with Willie from my church.
ReplyDeleteEveryone who celebrates Christmas celebrates it even a little different than other families. These are some of the ways I celebrate Chrismas with my family. Every Christmas our family always goes to my grandmother's house and she makes us a big breakfast. My mom my sister and I always help in the kitchen. We open presents there first and hang out there for a while. We then go to our house and open presents there and take a bunch of pictures. Every Chrismas we usually get Ipods and a couple of other things. This year our new dog, Daisy is also going to get presents. Including the rest of our friends. =)
ReplyDeleteMy family's tradition for christmas is that the parents are responsible for makeing the christmas dinner. The kids are responsible of sitting next to the fire place, drinking hot cocoa, and watching christmas movies till 12 o'clock am. My most favorite part of this tradition is that we all come together as a family and that we enjoy our christmas.
ReplyDeleteMy family goes to the lights in the that garden next to... I dont know what its called,but it is extremly pretty.
ReplyDeleteMy family and I have a dinner either on Christmas Eve or the day before. This year I get to open presents on Christmas Eve because my dad has to work Christmas. That is kind of a bummer.
ReplyDeleteSome of my family traditions are every year my family gives out cookies and treats to all of our nabors. Also we read a Christmas story every night in December. Another one is the ginger bread man. One person stsarts with it and you do something nice for someone else in the family without them knowing. Then when they find it is that persons turn. These ate only a few traditions my family has.
ReplyDeleteOn christmas, My family makes my brother, and sisters wake up at 6:00 in the morning.then my dad makes us wait until 10:00 to go downstairs and before we open the presents we turn on our stereo then we open presents.
ReplyDeleteme and my famley don't put up a tree we just give each other presents.
ReplyDeleteThe tradition that my family and I "act upon" is that we decorate the tree and we decorate my dogs crate with lights also get my dog her own personal tree and maybe add ornaments to her crate. Usually it is fun when friends are helping you decorate the tree so my friend Josie came over and helped decorate the tree with us... Later that evening, we had an idea of putting Daisy in a stocking and take a picture but we didn't. Last night I had a dream that we did that... It wasn't very fun though.
ReplyDeleteMy family tradition during this time of holiday is that, During the first month of December, some of our Church Members start practicing for a Christmas Play this year. My mom, my brother and sisters and I are in it. This year its called "The Dream" and the two main characters are "Adam and Eve". So on Christmas Day My family and I are going to open presents and Head to the Church to perform our play. My dad is coming to see us perform and it's going to be great!! What I enjoy most about this tradition is that, I get to spend time with my family and we get to be in a fun family play. :)
ReplyDeleteWell my family doess not have tradition all of my friends and I aways go out with my friends have fun by what hat having snowball fights and sleding thats I do during winter time.
ReplyDeleteour familie has a chritmas tradition of driving around looking at christmas lights on christmas eve then whenwe get back we open one presint to hold us over until the morning.
ReplyDeleteWhat we do in are family is we cook a big meal and we take the meal to one of my aunts house and we celebrate christmas there and we get back home and open are presents,we usially open are presents in the morning or when we get back from my aunts house.What i enjoy is when i get to go see my family and opening the presents.