Monday, January 7, 2013

Gun Laws

After watching today's CNN Student News and reading this article from Nick News, answer the following questions:
 - Should we make national changes to gun laws?  If so, what changes do you support?  If not, why do you think things should stay the same?
 - What do you think should be the most important gun law?


  1. I think we should change the national changes to gun laws. My support is that they should only get to USE a gun and shoot IS THAT YOU CAN ONLY USE IT IN THE ARMY.

  2. I think if you just make the guns harder to get they wont get in the hands of a a killer like the one at Connecticut. but i dont think it would be right if they banned guns because people use them for a sport. Like for hunting and that would suck for them cause they in joy the sport and they didnt do anyhting wrong.

  3. Yes I do think that the gun law should be changed because if something like this is to happen again then that would be horrible
    After something like this the president should know what he should do to prevent this from ever happing again.
    I think that the MOST important is that you may not have any access to any weapon like a gun unless you have lenses. Also that there is to be no one with any weapon that can harm anyone at school within 12 feet from school campus.

  4. the most impotant gun law is to not shoot unless the person is trying to threaten you.i actually don't think that gun laws should chnge. the gun laws now are keeping our coutry safe.

    1. yeah mileena but they should make it more hard to get guns and check peoples records for having a illnes or something bad like that.

  5. I think that Mr.Obama is making the right decision.

  6. I think you should make national changes to gun law because if you don't there will mabye be chances that there will be more shooting. The most important gun law should be that you have to have a license card or something that supports that your not a bad person.

  7. I think we should make national changes to gun laws because some people are using guns for the wrong reasons.

  8. I think that we should have the right to own a gun.because if someone broke into your house with a gun you can defend yourself. But we can change how big the magazine sizes are.

  9. I believe that we should change gun laws. The government should have a law that says that if you own a firearm then you can only hunt with it. So I say that we should change a law.

  10. I think that people who sold those guns to those people should be arrested because I feel sad who had been shot by that gunman.

  11. What I personally think about this gun problem is that guns shouldn't be sold unless it’s for legally right reasons. Also guns really shouldn’t be sold to people with a history of mental health issues or is mental, like with what happened in Connecticut’s Sandy Hook elementary school. Kids all over the world have a right to feel safe at school. Lastly I think that if guns were to be sold the government should have a sheet with people who bought guns from stores and in what state they bought it, so it would be a lot easier to track down that person who made a horrible mistake.

  12. Yes I think it should change because it would be bad if another gun shooting happens. I strongly support the idea about not selling the gun that the guy used at Sandy Hook Elementary.

    1. i agree with you but i think that the gun laws should should not stop.

  13. But juan that wouldnt be fare to the people that have a gun and go hunting. That guy that killed those people was mentaly ill.

  14. I think the military should be the only people who should have guns in this country. Not even police officers should have them, I think they should just have batons or tasers. The most important gun law I think should be is not allowing civillians to keep or buy armed weaopons/guns.

  15. I do think that we should make changes.
    And people should not be able to get guns that easily.

  16. (1) I think we need to make national changes to gun laws. I think that we need people to be tested to see if they can handle a gun.

    (2) I think the most important gun law is that people need to stop shooting people if they know that they didn't do anything.

  17. I think we should make more gun laws because there have been more than one shooting last year and that is not ok. People should know that they are safe when they go to the movies, school or anywhere they wish to go.
    I think the best gun law so far is to do backround checks to see if they have commented a crime.

  18. I think there should be some changes. I support the change of banning on assault weapons because if you only have a gun to protect you and your family it doesn’t have to be an assault weapon it could just be a pistol. I also support the idea of back round checks because if a person who committed a crime got a gun they could harm somebody else. I think the most important gun law should be back round checks if you want to buy a gun.

  19. I think they should just make it so they check your criminal record. Then you gotta get a lisinse then you could get a gun!

  20. Nathan that wouldnt be fare to those people though cause they didnt know that he had a past of mental illnes. I mean what if you sold that gun to that guy and the police came to arrest you because you sold it to him, but you didnt even know that he would shoot people.

  21. Yeah abby but did u think that the people who use the guns for hunting as a sport. I mean they arent doing any harm to humans.

  22. But Mileena if the kind of law we have now is keeping our contry safe then why did the shooting happen in Connecticuts....

  23. Also we need to nationally change gun law issues all over the world because every month, and in every year we lose more and more innocent people who didn't even do anything to deserve what happened.

  24. Yeah but abby would it be fare to the people that hunt for a sport or to feed there family.

  25. But Mileena if the law is keeping us safe then how come the shooting happen at the school.

  26. I think gun laws should be more secure, because the things that happened in Newtown are sad (until this day). Obama doesn’t want our country to be this way, always involving criminal things, especially gun murders and killings in any other way. I think we need to be more manageable when giving out guns to certain people. We need to make sure that we aren’t giving out guns to people who have bad records of murders and other things like that!! I hate to see people die like this, it’s just sad and I feel bad for the people that had to die at a young age because of people who don’t know how to control their anger or problems. But all I’m trying to say is that we need to be more secure.

  27. conner i agree some people need to use guns for hunting because thats the only kind of food their able to get.

  28. Meelina I understand that that the gun laws are keeping us safe but like what Jaspreet said guns should be very long and very chalanging for civillians to get.

  29. i think that all guns should only be used in a army not in the contry only in army.

  30. Nathan I dont think your right because they are just doing bussines!

  31. Alex i agree with you because people are saying they should bann guns from all people, i dont think that is fair at all to the people that use guns to hunt and protect there homes. i think they just need to make it take longer to get a gun, so then maybe the bad people that do want a gun can think it through or they wouldnt want to wait that long, so they wouldnt get one then.

  32. nellie that happend because that person had a case of illnes and he needed help.

  33. Yeah but loan every time they change a gun law the shootings just keep on coming.

  34. I think we need to change the gun law issues because innocent people are shot for no reason. If there are new gun laws, we can prevent some shootings and save lives.


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