Next week we get to take two days off from school/work. But... why?? While
the history of Thanksgiving is filled with tragedy (
think: Native Americans losing life, land, liberty), there is still a deep tradition here that we should remember:
being thankful.
For what are you thankful? Make a list of a few things for which you are thankful but end it as author Lisa McCourt did, share your
most thankful thing.
I am thankful for my job where I can work with thirty crazy and kind kids (even if they're sometimes smelly).
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for rain. And for sunshine.
I am thankful for baking - the way it fills my home with it's soothing smell and fills the hearts of those receiving the filled-with-love treats that result.
I am thankful for laughter.
I am thankful for music which has the profound ability to complement my every emotion and make every good moment great.
I am thankful for tea and cocoa.
My most thankful thing, however, is my community. These are people with whom I share my life; my family and friends who laugh and cry with me, who encourage me to be a better person, and who pray for me whenever I need it.
Iam thankful for my sister rebekah,and my brother yafet. But the thing iam most thankful for is for having ms freitas as my teacher this year.
ReplyDeleteMy most thankfull thing is that I'm alive and healthy
ReplyDeleteMy most thankful things are friends,family, music and my cancer being cured.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for video games, computers, which I am using right now. Another thing I am thankful for is my family which is caring, loving, and always fun to play with. my last thankful thing is to have a life
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for my best friend.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for every awesome thing I get.
I am thankful for zebras:)
I am thankful for ice cream and cake.
I am thankful for my teacher because she is awesome!
My most thankful thing is my mom because even though she works all night, and sleeps during half the day, she always makes time for us to do something fun together.
I am thankful that I have a family to depend on.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful that my mom and my dad never gave me up.
I am thankful that my teachers never gave up on me.I'm also thankful that my teachers depend on me.
I'm thankful for snow because I love going snowboarding and sleding. Winter is my favorite season of the year and honestly I hate the summer. I like how we get school off, but i hate sunshine I don't like being warm and wearing a tee-shirt because i love wearing binnies and jackets. Anyways,I love all the fun things snow lets me do.
ReplyDeleteI am thanful for my family.
ReplyDeleteI am thanful for my friends.
I am thankful for my teachers.
I am thankful for Mrs.Whalen, Mrs.Bolyen, Mrs.Shafer, Mr.kosty, and finally Ms.freitas.
The most thankful thing I am thankful for is that I was borned.
I am thankful for my best friend at school.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for food and water. I am thankful for my own room and that it is still mine.I am thankful that I have a wonderful teacher this year. I am thankful that soon I will have a new baby sister. But my most thankful thing I am thankful for is my loving family who takes such good care of me.
I am thankful for the roof over my head. For the food I eat. For that my family is healthy and safe. For having a great teacher to teach me, and just for being alive in this beautiful world.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for having shoes.I am most thankful for having wonderful loving parents that care about me and support me in every way.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for my parents,friends, how both of them are supportive.Also i am thankful for my teacher miss.freitas how she can sometimes be calm and thanks for teaching us miss freitas. Plus we are not smelly, ok maybe we are TEEHEE
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for my Mom and Dad who are there for me.I am thanful for my freinds and wish two of my freinds happy birthday! I am thankful because they`re always there for me. I am thankful for my best freind. I am thankful for my awsome,smart,fantastic and young teacher Miss.Freitas. I am thankful for eveyone that is close to me! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for purple,but mostly I'm thankful for every thing i own and have because not every kid has an xbox or toys. that is why I'm thankful
ReplyDeleteHello fello classmates. Lend me your ears. JK(just kidding). So here are some things I am thankful for, I am thankful for my mom and dad and my siblings. Thankful for both of my grandma's because they made me in a way. Im thankful for the wonderful Miss Freitas (Are we that smelly??? hee....hee) and the 30 scholars in our 6th grade class this fantastic school year..
I am thankful for my loving parents that give me things that I enjoy every day. I am also thankful for the food i get and cloths
ReplyDeleteI am thankfull for my life,I am thankfull for food,and I am thankfull for a house to live in ,Eat in ,and for a place to feel safe from all the danger in the world.
ReplyDeleteWow i am thankful for many many things.
ReplyDeleteOne is i am thankful for my house that i live in.
Also my Wii that i always wanted since it came out.
As well as my friends that i have Sabrina Megan and Teresa.
But the thing i am really thankful is the wounderfull family god gave me.
The family i have is the best any kid like me can ask for.
For example my mother she well always always be there when you are hrut.
My brother Bryan is the tough one in the family so you know for sure hes gots your back.
My other brother Armando is the one when we go to the store he says, "okay everybody pick something" he was the one that bought me my awsome wii.
And my father man he loves tools and cars like evry father but my dad always, knows how to put a smile on evrybodys face when we are sad or mad.
But the thing i really love about my family is.........
I am thankful for many things. Such as, family, food, pets, different kinds of teas, nice shoes, life, books, computers, not usually having homework on Fridays, the sun coming out in the summer atleast once and friends. I am thankful for many other things
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for my family, because they support me.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for the people that love me and hang out with me.
I am thankful for food that I am allowed to cook because I love cooking/baking for my friends and family.
I am thankful for my school and people that teach people to do stuff.
I am thankful for the money my parents earn or else I wouldn't get to go to collage, wouldn't have a house, and wouldn't have fresh food and water to eat and drink.
I am thankful for living!
ReplyDeleteI`m thankful for having a talent of poem writing!
I am thankful for my parents because they raised me to be a polite and orginized girl.
I am thankfull for house,And I am thankfull for the all of friends Ihave in the phillippnes
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for great parents, and my son Jeff. I am thankful that we are blessed with many things that others don't have, and that Jeff recognizes we don't have many things, but more than many others. I'm thankful for my wonderful friends!
ReplyDeleteThere is so much to be thankful for! to breathe, to walk, to run, to be independent, to laugh and cry, to eat, to sleep, to dream....slow down and appreciate all that life has to offer! For me in addition to this list, a wonderful daughter and all the wonderful people in our lives!!!
ReplyDeleteim thankful for my friends and family who love and care about me, im also thankful for sports and able to meet new people and travle