Monday, April 22, 2013

Sticky Situation

Christine and Andrea have been best friends for years.  One day, a group of popular girls ask Christine to sit with them at lunch - but they don't invite Andrea.  Christine always sits with Andrea in the cafeteria, but she doesn't want to miss her chance to hang out with the popular girls. 
What should Christine do?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Bibliography Information

Here is the information you will want to keep track of for your bibliography:

Citing a Website
URL (web address)
Title of Website               
Title of Article/Page
Author or publisher of the website
Date website was created or updated

Citing a Book
Author or Editor
Year Published 
Pages used

Online Resources

Use these websites to help with research for your Travel Agency project.  You should have a little yellow sheet with login information for those sites that require a username and password. 

SIRS Discoverer



ProQuest Online

KSD Research Page

KCLS Homework Help (you may need to use your King County Library card)